Install and Setup APRSdroid:
(Updated 2/13/25)
This build is a work in progress, and some features may be incomplete or broken at the time of download as I actively update it.
1. Install APRSdroid
Uninstall any previous OFFICIAL version of APRSdroid. Then, download the latest APK version of my build:
This version does not include the Google Maps API. If you need Google Maps functionality, you can build the app from source and add your own API key.
2. Grant All Files Access Permissions (UPDATED!)
For Android 11+ it is required to manually grant storage permissions for offline mapping files. In the APRSdroid settings in the OSM Maps category, tap on “Grant Storage Permissions”. This will open a dialog to grant ALL file permissions, giving APRSdroid access to the device storage for your maps.
3. Use mbtiles or MapsforgeV3 Maps (UPDATED!)
Set the map viewer to to use offline maps. You can select the offline maps and set offline mode from the preferences in the OSM Maps section. If this mode is not enabled, the online OSM maps server will be used.
Where to get maps?
There are various providers who offer paid or free mbtiles maps. APRSdroid requires mbtiles NOT in Vector or PBF formats but simple png or jpg format like GaiaGPS and others use. You can use the follow programs and sites to download maps.
If you use my Map Maker program you have lots of mapping options. Use a very precise location, i.e. “Portland, Oregon”, “Oregon USA”, “Texas USA”, for best results. You can double check the location use the Map Viewer if you’re not sure where it’ll select.
A zoom level is required for input. A distance input is not required. If distance is left blank for a city, state, or region, it will download everything within that boundary. Zoom level is 1-18. For states or larger, I would suggest zoom 13 or 14. Washington State at zoom 15 is between 2GB and 5GB varying by the map used.
World Map
OSM Map Maker for Windows
Python OSM Map Maker
Multi-Map Maker
Map Viewer
BBBike Mapsforge OSM Map Maker
Extra Features not in the official APRSdroid
- Digipeater (direct or full)
- IGating (2 way!)
- Option to send packets via RF and APRS-IS, or RF only while IGating
- Messaging tweaks for advanced users
- Radio Control for Vero, BTech, Radioddity and others
- Offline maps with mbtiles
- Offline maps with MapsforgeV3 NEW!!!
- Mic-E Compression
- Mic-E Statuses (including EMERGENCY!)
- Standard Compression
- Bluetooth Low Energy (Now Stable and near completion!)
- DigiRig support
- Metric or Imperial Units
- Disabling Hardware Acceleration
- Added Speed and Course to the station viewer
- Option to disable Message ID
- Hub Log can sort by Distance or Newest stations
- Other under the hood changes
Patreon Support
If you like the work I’ve put into this, please support me on Patreon! Thank you!
For questions or suggestions, send me an email! Contact info is on QRZ.